Welcome to Fellowship West Students!
Students practicing the way of Jesus together…
Following the Way of Jesus Together
We provide teaching that is designed to equip students with a holistic vision of The Gospel and life as an Apprentice to Jesus. An elevated expectation of personal Spiritual Formation that models and teaches students how to Follow Jesus..
Sustainable Rhythms for Families
Midweek Ministry sometimes creates unique burdens for families with multiple working parents, school work, sports, and even jobs. We'll meet two Sunday evenings a month from 5-7 pm for dinner, fun, connection, and teaching.
Adult Leader Connection
Each month our Adult Student Leaders will connect with students outside the Sunday Gathering. To maximize the relational model of Spiritual Formation, the regular Sunday Evening Gathering will take place at Brad & Julie Raby's House.
Frequently asked questions:
Middle and High School Students meet two Sunday Nights a month at Brad and Julie Raby's house. Each gathering is designed to help students follow Jesus more deeply by connecting them to loving adults, the Way of Jesus, and other students on the journey with Jesus. You can get directions here.
Here is the upcoming schedule:
The student ministry is for all middle school and high school aged students in grades 6th-12th.